There is a Cyber War happening right now and all U.S. companies are a target. Nations, states, hackers, domestic and foreign criminals and others are all stealing from EVERY business sector in the U.S. They are disrupting the American way of life. It is time for all U.S. businesses to take the threat seriously and take the necessary proactive steps to protect their information, and that of their clients and customers.
At Baran Agency, we provide Military Grade Cybersecurity Solutions and Compliance as a Service to any U.S. based business - no matter the industry, no matter the size. Let our specially trained, ex-military, cybersecurity personnel and compliance experts help your company today before it is too late. Don't become the next cyber or data breach casualty.
Your company is under attack right now, from both internal and external threats. In fact, the U.S. is in a cyber war on a daily basis and with the cyber battlefield constantly changing, so must the strategies in which to handle these evolving threats.
We are passionate about guiding our clients towards the best cyber defense solution for their company. The foundation in which we build these client specific solutions is based on the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) security requirements that are imposed by the U.S. federal government on Department of Defense Contractors. We conduct comprehensive Risk Assessment and Security Audits based on these security requirements.
We offer four core services which can then be implemented independently or combined for a more complete cybersecurity defense plan.
Whether you're interested in working with our team, have a question or are interested in pursuing a career with us.